Sunday, March 30, 2008

Earth Hour 2008

The most intense global event that I like it is the 'grande' Earth Hour. I talked with my friends from Romanian and I was amazed when they told me that my back home city was DARK for 1 hour on March 29th :) .They told me it was incredible.
Hopefully if you are reading this article right now you may wonder what is this global event "Earth Hour" stands for.
Well, lets say you have it enough with the global warning and pollution. If you do want to do something against it, you may not drive cars with big emissions, you may care about recycling, but you also can really do something that the entire world can see. Well this is the Earth Hour, it is an hour per year that you have (if you want to) live without electricity.

If you are still a little bit messed up about I said and you still do not get it, or you just want to feel hows like in that SPECIAL HOUR, here you go, watch this movie.

Earth Hour


Adrian said...

Fii schimbarea pe care vrei sa o vezi in lume ! In 2007, artistul Guillermo Vargas Habacuc a luat un caine, l-a legat de un perete intr-o galerie de arta si l-a lasat sa moara, lent, de foame si sete. Intre timp, vizitatorii priveau si admirau lucrul acesta. Imaginile de mai jos sunt facute la galeria de “arta” despre care vorbesc. Acum, asociatia Biennale Centroamericana di Arte a hotarat ca ceea ce a facut artistul de mai sus era arta si a propus ca acest lucru sa fie realizat din nou in 2008. Pentru a impiedica acest lucru, semnati petitia online pentru cei care nu cred, iata si poze

Tommy said...

This video is really good, I like to watch movies, too.

Pal said...

ya, you are right. earth hour is really important for our earth.